15 Avenue du Parc-Monsouris : Irène's apartment
(15 Rue du Parc de Montsouris)


The Reprieve, p.316
'Down with the war!' said the boy.
"Yes, yes,' said Mathieu, 'Quite.' he was still holding him down on the seat. He turned to Irène. The driver slid the glass back: 'Where to?'
'15 Avenue du Parc-Monsouris,' said Irène triumphantly.


The Reprieve, p.317
Mathieu groped for the switch, and the light flashed on. He saw a dusty room, containing a box-bed, a water-jug, and a wash-basin on a dressing table : a wheel-less bicycle was suspended from the ceiling.
'Is this your room?'
'No,' said Irène. 'It belongs to some friends.' He looked at her and laughed : 'Your stockings!'
They were white with dust and torn at the knees.
'It's from climbing through the window,' she explained nonchalantly.